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Tag Archives: supreme court

Marcos burial a ‘calculated risk’ — lawyer

By MARIA FEONA IMPERIAL AS protests rage over the Marcos burial, a human rights lawyer and anti-Martial law advocate said any attempt to overturn the Supreme Court ruling would have slim chance of succeeding.  In burying the remains of former president Ferdinand Marcos pending the finality of the SC decision, the Marcos family banked on a

Marcos burial a ‘calculated risk’ — lawyer

Lucy Torres ouster not final — Brillantes

By MIKHA FLORES CHAIRMAN Sixto Brillantes Jr. said the Commission on Elections will take no action on the case of Lucy Torres-Gomez, who was unseated by the Supreme Court as representative of the fourth district of Leyte, and said her case was different from that of Imus, Cavite mayor Emmanuel Maliksi. The high court on

Lucy Torres ouster not final — Brillantes

Ateneo schoolmates now head two branches of govt

By VERA Files PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino made history by appointing Lourdes Sereno as the country’s first female Chief Justice, but he also broke tradition by setting aside the seniority rule and naming to the highest judicial post one of the Court’s youngest associate justices, who also happens to be his college schoolmate.

Ateneo schoolmates now head two branches of govt

Only one vote for Congress in the JBC – SC

By LALA ORDENES CONGRESS is entitled to only one vote in the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC). In a 7-2 decision with five abstentions last week, the Supreme Court declared the current practice of allowing members from both the Senate and the House of Representatives to participate and vote in JBC’s proceedings unconstitutional.

Only one vote for Congress in the JBC – SC

Corona conviction puts High Court, JBC in uncharted waters

By LALA ORDENES THE conviction of Renato Corona, the first time in the country’s history a chief justice is removed from office by impeachment, has thrown the Supreme Court and even the Judicial and Bar Council into uncharted waters, forcing the High Tribunal to contradict itself and act against its own pronouncements.

Corona conviction puts High Court, JBC in uncharted waters